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Moving Teeth | Taking A Closer Look At Dental Shifting Problems

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When you are young and your body is still in the process of growing, your smile will surely see several changes. However, beyond a certain point in your life, your teeth should pretty well stay in the same positions. It can be scary to start noticing changes in your smile, even tiny movements of specific teeth, especially if movement creates gaps or protrusions. Here are a few of the most common questions concerning dental movement and the answers you should know if this is a problem you have in your mouth.

What causes dental movement?

As you age, bone loss can cause the shifting of teeth. If the teeth in your mouth start shifting and moving at a young age, it is definitely a sign that something is up. In some cases, the movement of a single tooth may indicate that there is deterioration of the underlying bone or decay at the root. However, moving teeth could point to more serious conditions and diseases such as:

  • Periodontal Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Oral Cancer
  • History of Bruxism

Is there anything the dentist can do to prevent further misalignment of your smile?

If the dentist notices a shift in the teeth, there are several different things that they may do to help prevent further misalignment. You could be fitted with a retainer that you wear during the day or night, even if you have never worn braces. The dentist may recommend dental bonding to keep two teeth from pulling their way further apart. One other thing to keep in mind is the absence of some teeth will allow room for others to shift. Therefore, your dentist may also recommend a dental implant or spacer to fill in an empty gap left behind by a missing tooth.

Can the changes in your smile be fixed once they occur?

Dental shifting is a common issue and some slight changes can usually be fixed. Fore example, if a shift has created a gap in your teeth, the dentist can use filler or bonding material to close the gap to its former state. However, to actually move the teeth back into place may require more lengthy procedures, such as braces or metal banding.

If you believe your teeth are on the move, be sure to seek the attention of a dentist right away. This could be a simple issue, but could also indicate a major health problem. Further, the sooner you have a problem with dental movement checked out, the less likely it will be that your teeth shift dramatically. For more information, contact a professional like Hillcrest Dental Centre.
