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5 Helpful Tips For Avoiding Gum Disease

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Gum disease is a pretty common oral health problem among adults, but that does not make it any more pleasant to deal with. When plaque gets trapped underneath your gums, they can get sore and infected. If gum disease progresses enough, it can even result in tooth loss. Here are five helpful tips for avoiding gum disease.

Eat Foods That Are Rich In Vitamin C

Vitamin C will not just fight against the cold and flu; it can also reduce your risk of gum disease. It will help fight off the bacteria that is responsible for infecting your gums. Some of the best vitamin C rich foods to add to your diet include kiwis, oranges and peppers.

Try Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient practice that can reduce your risk of developing gum disease. All you have to do is swish olive, coconut or sesame oil in your mouth for about 20 minutes. The oil will help pull the bacteria from your mouth, making you less susceptible to gum disease. If you do this every morning before you brush your teeth, your gums will be a lot healthier.

Stop Smoking

Do you smoke? If so, this might be the right time for you to quit. Smoking cigarettes can actually hinder proper blood flow to your gums, putting them at risk of infection. If you quit the habit, you will be less likely to suffer from gum disease and so many other diseases.

Do not Miss Your Dental Cleanings

If you want your gums to stay in good shape, you should never miss a dental cleaning. During a professional cleaning, your dental hygienist will use specialized tools and products to remove hardened plaque underneath your gums.

 Manage Your Stress Levels

Believe it or not, being overly stressed can weaken your body's immune system and make you more susceptible to gum disease. If your gums are already inflamed, being stressed can delay the healing process. It is very important to properly manage your stress with certain techniques such as exercise, yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises.

Gum disease does not have to happen to you. If you follow these helpful tips, you will be less likely to suffer from gum disease in the future. However, if your gums become red or sore, you should see your dentist soon. Your dentist can examine your gums and determine the best way to treat them. 
